
About us

The company, born in 1993 from an agreement between two companies, today boasts an important leadership on the national market and aims – in the coming years – to become the main reference in the packaging sector.
Our vision: to protect any kind of product.

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Something about us

Imballaggi Zamad S.r.l. has been operating in the packaging industry for more than three decades.

The company, which was established in 1993 through a partnership between two companies, currently holds a significant position in the domestic market and has set its sights on becoming the top player in the packaging industry in the years to come.

Since the beginning of its activity, Imballaggi Zamad has grown by prioritizing two key principles for building a strong and thriving business: a customer-centric approach and a commitment to improve our products and services through ongoing research and development. Throughout the years, this policy has enabled the company to adapt to unexpected shifts without compromising the calibre of its output, and to guarantee the efficiency of its packaging at all times and in every circumstance, as well as their rapidity during the production process.

  • Vendita di macchinari e materiali per l'imballaggio
  • Assistenza e riparazione macchinari per imballaggio
  • Consegna in 48/72 H *Consulta la policy

Eco-sustainable packaging products

The environmentally sustainable packaging line to respect the environment

Respect for the Environment

Environmentally sustainable packaging is made from recycled, biodegradable or compostable materials that significantly reduce the amount of waste going to landfills.

Less pollution

Decrease air, soil and water pollution by reducing the use of harmful chemicals and optimizing production processes.

Image of Positive Brand

The adoption of environmentally sustainable packaging demonstrates the company's commitment to sustainability and social responsibility, strengthening its image.

Consumer Satisfaction

Consumers appreciate products with environmentally sustainable packaging because they perceive added value in terms of quality and environmental friendliness.

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Nastro Carta Rinforzato bidirezionale stampato

Custom Printed Paper

The latest innovation in customizable and eco-sustainable paper adhesive tape – the new generation of paper tape!

Easy to apply

The new Custom Paper Tape can be applied on any surface.

Easy to dispose of

Born from research and work on eco-sustainable materials.


Great for having a good compromise between performance and eco-sustainability.


It can be personalized with text, logos, and images upon customer request.

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